Japanese Swimsuit Models
The country of Japan is known for promoting healthy lifestyles (well at least they eat healthy, smoking and working until nearly dead are not exactly the same as eating raw fish). They have a diet that consists primarily of organic and natural foods. Especially the Japanese swimsuit models do not eat things battered and deep fried for every meal as people in some countries do. This is probably why they have such a nice thin physique to put on display for you.
There are so many things you could do with the results of your Google search. You could just sit and stare at the various websites. You could research the lives and careers of some of these models. You could take your picture of the model of your choice and use it as a background or screen saver on your computer! You could take several different pictures plug them into a photo smart program and print out your very own twelve month calendar featuring the gorgeous Japanese swimsuit models of your choice and liking.